@brokefloormat's timeline on Twitter .. 2 of 2
- Is this a line from the Masters or from the divorce transcript? ...Could go either way, I figure: "Woods Is Penalized for Illegal Ball Drop"Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm at that point where I've had plenty of coffe and plenty of cigarettes, and all I want in the world is more coffee and cigarettes.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Yes, spring is here! I can finally start shaving outside again. Lets go easy on calling the cops this time, ok neighbors?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I find the more I tweet, the more followers I lose. Apparently I'm turning you people off. Oh dear...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
No matter what you say or how great your advertising is, I will always know that I'm wearing a bra. K?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Each morning I start my day with a mental workout by staring at the weights in my room and debating whether this will be the day I exercise.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
there is no way of telling whether or not vikings had dreams about skittlesRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Ain’t gonna lie one bit… I’m lookin’ California but I’m definitely feelin’ Minnesota. We should dance, though.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I just spent 7 minutes giving myself finger pistols in the mirror...so there's thatRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Listen, I’m wearing a Viking helmet, a smile and nothing else but this uniquely gifted, marble-hard custom towel holder. Why the long face?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Whoa Just learned that in grocery stores all of the "healthy" products such as produce line the store.With all processed foods in the middleRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Onion Soup - all the fun of drinking gravy, without the shame of people saying 'fuck sake Gerard stop drinking that gravy'.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Just making it all up as we go along.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You may not think I'm pretty but the 11 post-it-notes stuck to my mirror say I am.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Made sure to argue in front of the new neighbors today so the make-up sex isn't awkward for anyoneRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I unfollowed you because you're kind of a meanie and now I feel bad because maybe something bad happened to you and you just need some love.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Twitter getting to you? Do what I do. Star shit, don't listen to complaints, ignore dramas & tweet dumb shit. Or you can be a pussy & leave.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Why my rocket gotta have pockmarks and a dented booster? Thats not fair. I'm a good person yo.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Don't flatter yourself Twitter, I was already wasting my life before I found you.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I try to treat everyone on the road as a member of someone's family. And I know how you can't stand those fuckers.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
So I'm watching this porn/(movie) about hippies and Im waiting around to see if they go family style on Jennifer Anniston.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I like staring at people with big wide open eyes & asking "Is there something wrong?" when they turn around & look at me in the Subway line.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I love it when they delete the @ of our conversations & make me look like as if soliloquize (something which is not very far from the truth)Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"So what?! I've seen girls before!" I yelled at the igloo as it pelted me with lemons.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Fear not, brave worriers! The demons we face this night are not our own and therefore cannot do us any lasting harm.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
startin out as a tear the mischievous liquid mighty & strong rolled down that cheek folding itself into a flower a smile broke out pain goneRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If we all had someone in our lives to keep telling us, "there's nothing wrong with you," this would probably be a better world.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Twitter's seven years old today? Multiply by 200 million active users, factor in twitter time vs real time, that's 50 trillion wasted years.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I almost certainly fuck things up & get it wrong. Often. Always(?) But my stupid heart's in the right fucking place.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm glad we're finally turning our clocks forward. Seems that these dials have been facing the walls for like FOREVER!Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"Life is more vivid & putridly beautiful when it's cosmically sad"..said the Big Bad Wolf as he ravished Little Red Ridding Hood from behindRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Some of you even make me question my insanity.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My waitress just told me her name and said to ask for her next time I'm here so needless to say I'll be promise ring shopping tonight.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Sometimes we must learn to ask for what we need.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
It’s easier to love someone you don’t really know because the mind fills blanks with perfections, instead of flaws.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
-- Do you love me? Simply choose one word - yes or no. -- Or.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
This entire Fall fashion season my dogs have been wearing a custom fit semi-light but durable fur pant suitRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'd totally stock my bathrooms with 2-ply toilet paper for most of you.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
" Curses! Foiled again!!" ~ Leftovers~Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
After going to Walmart and looking around, I'm pretty sure I'm the cream of the crop.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The problem nowadays is that the stupid are fucking confident and the smart are insecure.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I would love to make a real, emotional connection with a man who wouldn't mind making booze runs.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Twitter makes single vehicle accidents fun & utility pole ownership possible.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Remember when just seeing a nipple slip was enough to get you off? Now we need hi-def cream pies while we're high and the dog is barking.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
All I wanna do is a tweet where I can use "rolls eyes and does jerk-off motion"...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The secret to twitter? Don’t be an asshole.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
life ~ the funniest thing that isn'tRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Think about how you would like to be portrayed in a movie & treat people accordingly.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Ciabatta? More like Don'tbatta. Haha! Stupid bread.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I know I left the washing on the line all night if I see a news report looking for a guy wearing a Zombie Tshirt & a pair of frilly panties.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
It's confusing when someone retweets something smart.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Arguments FOR prop 8: Complicated, Long Winded, Logically Fallacious. Arguments AGAINST Prop 8: Equal Rights. I call Occam on this.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Pfft, this isn't even the stupidest thing I do everyday.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"She's terribly mischievous so she'll encourage you to join her in the mischief & it's cosmic mischief that is masquerading as dysfunction"Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
if we were bears i'd wrestle you and then we'd walk down by the river and get some honey and get our paws all stickyRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I suffer from random memory loss. Some people call it politeness.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I would watch a movie that had Antarctica a whale a cabin and pancakes. Like they just eat pancakes all day then go look for the whale.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
~ When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you. - Lao Tzu ♥Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
man sometimes people can't see shit... twitter is a gold mine that hasn't been tapped yetRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." – Amelia Earhart ♥Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
When people stress tweet, they don't harm anyone but others do get a view into the dark minds of people that should be talking to a shrink.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Star ... star ... star ... and ohhhhhh I'd like to give that one 5 stars! *running my fingers down your Timeline*Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Multiple accounts, pretending and interacting with their other accounts. You always tell on yourselves. Keep going. Please. Eats popcorn*Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Here we are just floating around in space without Spock just wondering where our next freaky orgy is going to come from. captain outRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
No skills or talent for anything whatsoever? Welcome to twitter.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I just read your bio and I don’t like your rules.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
In the dark on a bus with a rainbow.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
*This is not a tweet* Just thought you could use some eye candy in your TL. Just paying it forward, people.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
..."And he faded away into the back alley of a city with a mangy dog & a broken tambourine where he lived happily ever after"...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
All men who have achieved great things have been dreamers. - Orison Swett Marden ♥Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My signature move is pretending to be happy & well adjusted when in fact, I'm in the throes of depression.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
That's the last time I try to dazzle a lady by putting glitter in my mustache.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Remembering the days before tuna became middle class and let dolphin live in the same tin.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm stuck training a new employee today.. He's a talker.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
One day I will come back to this place with silly string and end all of these people.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I know some things. A few things. A couple. Two. Okay, one. I know one thing. Oh shit...I forgot it.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Looking back, I think it was my failure to get his Star Wars reference that put the final nail in that particular coffin. There is no try.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Just cause I'll follow anyone back...does not mean I won't block you cause the first stupid shit ya post...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
As it currently stands, I'm the funniest* person in my kitchen. *only.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I've been eating strictly organic, so my poop is worth at least three times as much as yours.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I just saw the police talking to a man wearing pink shorts, I knew it was illegal…Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
In my TL there are two consecutive tweets about penguins by two unrelated people. This has made me very cheerful.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I bet Hell is filled with software updates and treadmills.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The humour in a tweet is inversely commensurate with how long it took to jesus fuck this tweet is boringRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
New person yay! Oh good stuff! star star star star... racist tweet?! WTF?! Unstar unstar unstar ...slink away..take shower.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. - Kurt VonnegutRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I finally have more followers than I follow. This Elite shit is AWESOME!Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Desperate for followers? 1) Find a bot 2) Follow every numbskull following said bot; they'll follow anyone and anything.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You guys told me to cut loose the soul-sucking people in my life so I did but they keep ringing the doorbell and yelling "Mommy, let us in."Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
the best person is a kind person who is even kinder in person.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If you can't handle me at my best, well, I've got bad news for you...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"Take it out on me, twist my nipples."Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not capable of eating cake or cupcakes gracefully.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"Who's down with OCD?! Yeah, Purell me." -Neurotic By NatureRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Everyone is looking for a safe place inside a wonderful story.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there? Well, that's how I lost my job as a firefighter.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Oops, forgot to be a self-centered cunt, and ended up RTing awesome people.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
It's very disturbing that often, the folks you have the most conflict with are members of your own family. No wonder world peace is so hard.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Glad my boss finally understands that I'm never late for work sometimes he's just early.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
dogfighting but with tea, cucumber sandwiches and no dog fightingRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I could delete a lot of these but then the reader wins.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If hipsters weren't so risk averse, one could sit on the fancy bike clamped upright on the roof of the smart car while the other one drives.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Wet Tshirt competitions should start with putting a spoon into a kitchen sink.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm in a very serious relationship. We just met, but we never laugh. It's very serious.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
We all seem to be writing random crap for each other to read. I feeling like I should be doing more. nah...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I only tweet while drunk to make it fair for the rest of you guys. Doing my best to level the playing field. One hand tied behind my back.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
At my age it's easy to hide the occasional pimple by simply growing my beard out ..!..Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Time for a nap or food or... I dunno my thumbs are tired. Think I'll visit Real Life.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I went from having an ass that won't quit to one that resigned without even giving a two week notice.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm on Twitter. What are you doing with your life?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Telling him he's not "getting any" tonight because he brought home the wrong kind of bread, is just something funny we plan to do.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm not one to start rumors, but I heard that
@TravLeBlanc gave Rob Delaney a pedicure just to get a retweet.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand -
If anyone wants a sponsor man, I'm available. For $20/month, you'll get a picture of me and a note about how I spent the money.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I once stubbed my toe on an AA book when I was drunk, in case you were doubting my hilarity.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Listening to a drunk guy trying to get a rebounding girl next door. So fascinating.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
There's absolutely NOTHING to do in Oregon so time to practice my Shaolin shadowboxing, Wu-Tang sword style. Bringing da ruckus.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I like to stay up late and reflect on where my life went wrong while talking to strangers on the Internet.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to say "I applaud you sir!" to random people. You know, make them feel good about stuff.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm practicing my chi control by using my subtle body to interact with my touchscreen. And my vibrator. And the remote. And my chi-chis. :-DRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
All begins in chaos until that one random action creates order, petals crowd together and suddenly, a rose.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I fell in-love all over again with someone I am already madly in-love with & broke my hip. Kidding, I was trying to to do a keg stand.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
They'll take as much as you'll let them take. There's "fuck off" for everything else.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You're only as good as your last retweet of one of my tweets.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Hey Twitter, I'm back. *clapping* No stop it, I love you too!Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
All you girls complaining about wanting a husband have obviously never had one!!!Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Okay, everybody just fucking back off. Unless you're going to try to make us laugh, keep your @-hole shut for the rest of the night.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Soooo...how do blind people know if they are done wiping after they poop?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Haven't tweeted in so long I think I'm about to take the SATs. The fate of my entire life & all of humanity rests upon this single analogy.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Thank you to anyone who doesn't start drama or belittle others here. There's enough negativity in this world already.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I got followed by a verified account. Everybody just act natural.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Join twitter, tweet about your spouse, tweet about your twitter crush, live tweet your melt down, twittercide, come back as a cat.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Because men can't, giraffes have to blow themselves or they die immediately after birth. Thems the rules.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Sometimes I feel bad about all the shitty tweets I dump into my TL. But then I remember that some of those RTs might actually help someone.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
One can recognize a Twitter user by their ransom note: "I have you're wife. I want too thousand dollars. Put it their by the bush."Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I have a soft spot for the absurd ones here.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The cat walked over the candle, now my kitchen smells like burnt cat assRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
taking pics of my nipples and playing with Lego. you?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My brother kindly gave us his room while we're in town, but I can't sleep because I know at least 12 boogers are touching me right now.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If you're stupid and you know it...I'm impressed.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
OK, this is kind of bullshit that I haven't been mentioned in Twitt Gossiper yet. Who wants to start a scandal with me?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I know you're all hanging out without me and I just want to say that I understand.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
It's time to clean your house when the dust bunnies ask you for a carrot.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The sense of urgency is weak with this one.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You think it's bad having a double chin? Imagine how men feel having quadruple skins. (Foreskins)Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Why do I feel like I'm trapped in an Escher drawing when trying to get out of parking garages?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Who wants to come over and watch me star my own tweetsRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The only explanation I can give about what's happening in my life is that my planets fuck each other.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
And in other news, warm fuzzy feelings are talking about condoms and hot dogs, I have no idea.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Letting go of something bad in your life, isn't a sign of failure, it's a sign of maturity that you're finally taking care of yourself.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Sometimes I retweet your subtweets as a subtweet back to you. You know who you are. JimRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
What if getting married was more like waving? You could be like 'Oh Sorry judge! I was trying to marry the person BEHIND him.'Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
everything is edible or lickable or fireRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
By the way, I'm sure no one would be surprised at how we pronounce "Dumas" in Texas.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You're all silly. And I like it. And love most of you. So shut it poopy head XxxRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
i guess somebody can't help it if they're stunningly beautiful. still it's kinda meanRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Life can suck, but as long as I never end up 1 of the cartoon characters in the Yahoo homepage comments section I figure I'm goodRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You're tellin' me, all those E.T.s are smart enough to build a spaceship & come steal our pine needles, but not to do a damn headcount???Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I love getting old especially the part where I get hurt doing nothingRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I am the splinter. Yall are the tweezers. Lets dance.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
No, I don't have ADD. I have twitter.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
having a deep, emotional conversation with my vagina.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Labels: #ftwot, #gaf, #gsoav, #jsntf, #tbot, tweets, twitter
posted by Taranonymous Reads Not the Book of Tweet @ 4:22 PM
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