@brokefloormat's timeline on Twitter .. 1 of 2
I bought you from your clique leader for 30 rupees.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Sitting lonely by the phone is uncalled for.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Jesus took the wheel ... Actually all four of them to be exact ... I was in the bad part of Bethlehem ...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My signature move is pronouncing bologna phonetically.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
All we want right now is a chip implant that transmits to our brain what channel Cartoon Network is on no matter what city we're in.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Rate myself? I don't just the raise the bar on personal performance, I AM THE BAR. Well, technically I sit AT the bar. Same thing. Whatever.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
According to the musical theory of Darwin, somewhere, right about now, a Ratt fan is beating up a Phish fan. For no apparent reason.
#gsoav -
"He was the life of the party" sounds much nicer than "he was the night's drunkest idiot".Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
True power is not feeling the need to belong to any clique, organization, or social circle. True power is independence.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Out-tricked at his own game of pretend.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Of course I balance my checkbook. *puts checkbook on finger* TADAAH!Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Gimme a row of glass walls and a nice heavy golf club.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You are absolutely fine. There's nothing wrong with you. They just don't know what they're talking about.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I retweet a lot because it keeps me from hooking.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
ME. I think he has mental health issues. I'm getting all the signs he's Borderline. GUY AT PARTY. Sorry, are we talking about a turtle?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
A guy just said "You can't win'em all" so I beat him. There's a lesson in that somewhere.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Well Im a college student so I'd have less availability come autumn however, I do love rotisserie chicken so who knows what the future holdsRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The man on TV says he thinks Jonah's whale was a submarine built by a race of undersea dwelling extraterrestrials. Meesa don't likin' da.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Hey ladies, why not Instagram something useful, like pics of the stuff we're not suppose to put in the dryer.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
There are moments, as us educated alcoholics like to call it, moments of clarity, where we can make things in the world Allright.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The Instant Classics band: “The Lion Sleeps on E Street”.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Cs-JqFw1iY&sns=tw … via
@youtubeRetweeted by Rug HugableyView media -
poked prodded bruised & whipped no color no sound no thought dreams just rips & bite marks at the seams of a sugar coated nervous breakdownRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The only thing more contagious than negativity is positivity.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm not popular enough to be different but this was the only sandwich I had.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If you love something, subject it to endless cliches. Or set it free. Whatever.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
ME. I'm reckless. I love someone who's indifferent to me. HE. How long? ME. I got him for my birthday in 2010. Good swimmer.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Made a voodoo doll of myself so I don't have to bend over to wash my feet in the shower anymore.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If I was you guys I’d think I was way funnier…….. than you do now.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You know the little man in the boat?...I think mine may have capsized and drowned from all the vigorous waving after losing his oar.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My laser eyebeams of love are kinda out of control right now & sorta want to take out Fox News. And a Hooters.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
He just fed my chickens on Farmville. Which, of course, is code for "He just put it in my butt".Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I once licked my dogs sack and sniffed the ass of the bitch next door just to see what all the fuss was about. I still don't get it :/Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My martial arts style: I say a clever one-liner after every punch like they do in the action movies... I get beat up a lot.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
#SelfFact I haven stolen a limo. It's a long story and even I don't really understand parts of it.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand -
Yes I read the rules in their entirety and decided that they don't apply to me.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"The best has yet to come" Stop threatening me.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
No. YOU just asked a tank full of feeder roaches "Where my bitches at?".Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Sometimes I use the ‘monkey theory of stock picking’ to determine follow backs…Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Just saw account with 3900 followers and no tweets. Now I know what I've been doing wrong.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I’m just a girl, standing in my closet wondering why I gave all my fat jeans away.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
There's only one real secret to Twitter, and that is TWEET. Tweet your stupid fucking heart out, the rest sorts itself.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Lets face it, tramp stamps are really just fancy UPC codesRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Maybe NOT covering the walls in seemingly random numbers is crazy maybe YOU'RE crazy MAYBE you're a spoon, who knowsRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm presenting at a career fair today. My speech? Stay the fuck away from twitter.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I don't have a Twitter crush. You know, 'cause I'm not insane.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Ms. McGee, it is a lovely red bandana, but.. It doesn’t match the golf outfit Mr. Kriskrossferson said he'd wear backwards for me.
#tbot -
You said your friend came for weed. Had no idea you were referring to hydroponic pot and a bong that changed into a magic vibrator.
#ftwot -
Thank-you ♥ If you stumble, make it part of the dance. ~ UnkownRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
So, I've got all these french fries stuck up my nose, and they smell different. It must be my allergies. Or maybe it's the new oil.
#tbot -
Fret. It gets worse. Okay, fine. It doesn't. But, the news refused to run that story.
#ftwot -
"I firmly believe dog poop is recyclable," I sincerely proclaim, after I've missed the regular trash pick up.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Let's make it really awkward. I'll go first.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I can only imagine having your significant-other follow you on Twitter is just…a fan-fucking-tastic way to implode.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My dog understands more English than my grandmother did, and she lived here for 30 years. But in fairness to her, Spot is super smart.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I feel like saying “I love you” to everyone that’s being nice to me.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Just accept not knowing who somebody really is as the blessing it is and move on.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Defend you? Pfft. Not if it'll cost me my Favstar status.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Twitter ... because it's the world's biggest and best playground.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Never watched hockey until tonight. When do they do the triple lutz and the sow cow? Did I miss that part?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
all the poor little kids nowadays who aren't directionsRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
the only opinions i care about are from people who understand that their opinions are just another thing like a bug crawling on a leafRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Bike riders are street peddlers trying to sell me guilt. An exercise in futility. I'm flat broke. Like a coin-less joke floormat.
#ftwot -
Omfg Octopus Battle via Kitchen Stadium! If I had 7 more pussies, I c'd cover so much more ground. Can you EVEN fuckin' imagine airtight?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I suggestively @’d myself. The circle is now complete.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My gas-powered leaf-blower informed me that it is also doing the ‘Cord’s work’, & to capitalize the C. I told it to shut up & blow.
#tbot -
Sometimes when I see a zero in a particular font all I see is a one until I realize it is surrounded by light, and I remember I am too.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I don't know anymore is a great thing to say when you never really knew in the first place.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
well i just been here top the roof w a rooster pointing the way the wind blows an she had to go write that mean songRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
when do we start voting people off this thing?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
That was cute. And disgusting. Gotta lay off the acid & get him a Zyrtec. Heard cat say it & spray it: "I can haz sneezboogers."
#tbot -
Had wanted Steven Tyler to stay on American Idol. Related: Was hoping Aerosmith would break up.
#tbot -
Tried preaching to the choir; but I don't think anyone heard me. None of 'em would shut the fuck up. They just kept on singing.
#tbot -
Despite what you think you saw me doing on TV last night, I don’t know how to speak any sign language, so I must've just had a cramp.
#tbot -
We are the zombies we’ve been waiting for. Or we’re Adam’s ants. I just totally forgot which one it was.
#tbot -
Found out from my alien buddy that last word in Bible, "Amen," is a typo. Original word was: Ahem. As in, *wink wink*, kidding, yo.
#tbot -
~“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss ♥Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Played my cards right. bought yacht to see world Rolled the dice. They sank. got lost at sea Not Yahtzee. Not even close.
#tbot -
I've got a fever, but the only prescription that I need is.. Good guess. Close. Less bullhorn.
#tbot -
I’m not sendin'sub tweets.I’m a misunderstood person,like Donald Trump.....The man just tryin'to fix a rockabilly haircut with the wrong wayRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Tweet as if 99% of your followers don't read your tweets, because it's true.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I don't allow hate in my heart, so if you're big or small, young or old, and you're a bully, then I just don't fucking like you.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
.. "Seed Library" of Pima County Public Library http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asU9ldnJoEk&sns=tw … via
@youtube ..Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand -
In a free version of the Kamasutra for the IPad, all positions are uncomfortable.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Everyone tries to out do everyone else on Twitter only to end up committing Twittercide.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Ian Fleming wrote all the James Bond novels in the last 11 years of his life. It's never too late to make your mark.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
motion for fish to have more colors and do more little jumpsRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
They always call to tell u they love u when ur asleep & they're high. Don't love me. Love ur family, clean up, & pay back the money u oweRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
BRB... time to go plant my faux "Topless Sunbathing In This Area Only" signs.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm patient, but not "wait for five minutes" patient.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Take it out, or zip it up.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Ew. Some chick coming out of church bumped into me, and got her morals and values all over me. I can smell it in my hair. Wicked gross.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Are Zebras really a different animal? Or are they just horses making a fashion statement?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If I said you had a beautiful body would you go get me some fucking ice cream?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If you didn't star my tweet, I assume you didn't understand it. Don't worry, I'll keep repeating it until you do.
#GenerousTweeterRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand -
Replying to my mentions like a commoner.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
When I don't like a tweet I tried to hide it, not by deleting it, but by retweeting people.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm always judging you, but that's only because I care.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Wallflowers of the world: keep singing your song, you beautiful bastards.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Call me a stickler, but is anyone else confounded by the lyric "Our house, in the middle of our street"?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Tweet like you have nothing to say.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Masking grief with humor, it's how we cope. It's why we get along so well.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If you're mediocre and you know it, form a clique.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
This meteorologist keeps talking about "a disturbance" but she never adds "in the Force" so I don't have a clue what she's talking about.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Whenever my cat gives me the nod I know something wild & wacky is about to happen.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'll give a fuckin cookie alright.....Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Peggy Hill shut up and let Hank finish one fucking sentence. And suck his floppy dingle now & then how bout that you bossy bitch you ..!..Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I think Favstar locked me out. I don't give a fuck.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Muppet Show - Mahna Mahna http://j.mp/Unb0mE
#NowPlaying *giggles madly**bops head**dances sitting on the sofa* *giggles*Retweeted by Rug HugableyView media -
Too cold for ice cream, too far for donuts.. this is probably how all the dinosaurs died.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I don't care what anyone says but the grocery store totally started playing Brick House because I just walked in.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
my arms are too short to box with god, but once a month, my bosoms heave toward the heavens and attempt to wrestle.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Size does matter. I like folks with big hearts.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
No, not the Iron Man costume! You're Captain America tonight. Now...put on the mask and do me.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I appreciate all of you that let me occasionally vent. Pretty sure we all deserve a little latitude to be who we are.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
The collection agency's starting to sound desperate. I lost interest. Nothing's less attractive than desperation.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Next time on "Undercover Boss": boss is disheartened, sobs, realizes dreams are a waste, fires everyone and then quits before the revealRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Like it or not, I'm seriously under followed.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
♥ "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." – Amelia Earhart
#LoveScopes ♥Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand -
Son: Mom what does *home cooked meal* mean? ...Me: Oh don't worry honey that's just for poor people... WHAT?? He had me cornered!Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Everyday I like 2learn something. 2day I learn raspberries hav small pips which get stuck between teeth. Not big day in search 4 knowledge.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Don't let the treasures of your heart get buried in the shit storms of life.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
thanks to this moat, i don't let shit get to meRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Dont be a dick just be nice it's that easyRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Automotonaphobia- fear of anything human like. Mannequins, dolls, people on twitter.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Try 2 explain Twitter 2 friend. Fact I am followed by horse, 3 dogs, cat, brown paper bag and a vegetable I don't recognise, doesn't help.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If I could change one thing about the world it would be this lady's haircut.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You could be doing something better with your life than being on Twitter, like what people without Twitter do...stare mindlessly at a TV.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great & no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow." – Orison Swett Marden ♥Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If u r on Twotter &u meet a rotter Do u just give em a block? Or show em ur a rock? Or try&find their good side No matter how well it hide?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life, define yourself ~ R. FrostRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Oddly enough, the list of things I'm not good at and the list of things I don't like to do are very similar.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm considering a career change. How much does the guy that pees in the Pepsi bottles right before they fill them a make per year?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I spend all my second chances like the tourists throwing seeds to the pigeons.(for nothing)Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
A soft shout out and gentle hug to those secretly crying at work right now. Hanging on without choice. <3Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Some will do anything to help you. Others will do anything for their own gain. When you learn the difference, you win.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm the smuggest motherfucker in this unemployment office, I don't give a fuck...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
There's some funny, thought provoking and, all in all, great stuff on here. Just thought you should know.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If your values supercede your lust for stars (validation) you are my kind of people.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
No such thing as an innocent bystander. Speak up, do something, or you're just as guilty as the abuser.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Never thought I'd ever see so many people afraid of an application, a game. I'm so sorry.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Thank you to those who get it, in your real life and on Twitter.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
@Beefmonarch I was blocked by fstar in May. It continues to cause me problems.Retweeted by Rug HugableyView conversation -
@Beefmonarch He didn't reply when asked. I assume it was because I complained about tech problems in tweets. And a couple of his friends...Retweeted by Rug HugableyView conversation -
@jscottwilson He and his pals posted a nasty parody account,@boringtheo. Most have deleted their stars, but it still appears.Retweeted by Rug HugableyView conversation -
@beingtheo I really don't understand why anyone would get mad at you, you're very sweet. Is this Tim who did that?Retweeted by Rug HugableyView conversation -
@BronxCheer48 Tim along with a group of his pets. Long story, but I try to bring it up weekly so ppl know why I'm not there. Thank you.Retweeted by Rug HugableyView conversation -
I'm the cheap date on Twitter. You can't even buy me a TOTD. But you do show me your love.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
A waffle breakfast & a little understanding in 1978 would've prevented most of these tweets.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I have 2 wireless routers and a satellite dish. Sometimes I pick up my neighbor's thoughts. He thinks about pizza a lot.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Judging by my own experience, twitter is more fun once you stop looking for vaginas and start looking for friends.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Hell is conservative talk radio and family on an endless loop.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I will crush your pixie girlfriend between my real girl thighs.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Every intelligent person understands that there's something wrong with them.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Had a busy day standing in front of the 99 cents store, wearing my "I heart peen" sandwich board and ringing my bell.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Don't think I didn't notice you unfollowed me. But hey! Your new follow ratio looks soo cool! Such a badass now.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Follow me to the bathroom like we're going to have sex.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You can tell a lot about a person by who they retweet.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Just because Favstar blocked me, you didn't have to forget me.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I have decided I’m not going to dwell on my past anymore. So, if I owe you money, tough shit.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You'd think these old dudes would be more stealth about checking out boobs by this point in lifeRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Took me a second, then I spit my beer all over the pool table. pic.twitter.com/bfZlWmXwxFRetweeted by Rug HugableyView photo
I wish "Where's your toy?! Go find your toy!" worked on people, too.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Is that a cupcake in your pocket, or are you going to have to go back out and get me one?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
It's unfair that in near future hasn't invented the time travel & my future self can't send me help.~Random thoughts in front of ATM machineRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Lets see 16+8 carry the 1...nope still equals bitchface buttgobbler, move alongRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Having a profession is the world's oldest form of prostitution.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If somebody doesn't tell me what's up with these damn crop circles and why lil' burgers are called sliders, I'm drop kicking a nun.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Instead of a life coach I have a monkey that sits on my head and flings his poo at whatever he thinks doesn't benefit my life's goals.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If you put Skittles inside your panties and shake your butt people will think you're a rattlesnake.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Where do people go when they unfollow???... Is it a better place???Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
w looks like vv, not uu... that's where we went off the rails.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You don't like my tweets because they require a sophisticated pallet, doo-doo head.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Don't worry, 6 out of 10 people won't see you've mispelled that word...Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Filling your vagina full of Skittles right before your gynecology appointment is a great ice-breaker and shows your doctor you're super fun.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You should learn from the past, by never returning to it.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Just voted for myself in every single category for the Twitter Awards. YOLO.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Don't judge a person until you've stayed a week in their round rubber room & worn their straightjacket.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Haven't had sex in like 24 hours and it's starting to make me think I might have to wake someone up.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
RL friends say twitter is just inane ramblings,but I find the tines of a fork blends the milk in my coffee way more efficiently than a spoonRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
When did moaning in the shower shift from crazy sex to bending over to reach the soap?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
My greatest skill would have to be making any normal interaction as awkward as humanly possible.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Alec Baldwin said "I was born to spit on Rupert Murdoch" and like I don't know but that's like super weird.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Amazed that there are so many people on earth that have NEVER made a mistake; & how they all end up leaving comments online.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Its all beautiful and amazing until the Starlings show up.
#birdsRetweeted by Rug Hugableyfrom Nashville, TN -
Never fall in love with someone's potential if they don't realize it, you never will~ deep thoughts by AshleyRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
A 14 year old made the cut at the masters. I'd already beat Pokemon blue at that age, so yeah, I kinda know what he's feelingRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
you can keep your duck..it has no sense of humor,its not invited to my partyRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
If hollywood has tought me anything, it's that child stars always go mentalRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm skinny. I'm almost entirely covered in skin, I'm plenty skinny.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
i dont think the neighbors really get meRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Chances are if you had trouble spelling a word with 5 or more letters, we don't know what it fucking means anyways.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I live in a mad house ruled by a tiny army that i made myselfRetweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
A Shaman gave me this to tweet in a dream last night. Nudity is better than Oldity. And I was all like, you sure?Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
I'm wearing a Chicago Cubs hat today because Hugs from Random Strangers Rock!Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
You can't put penalized and strokes that close in proximity and expect me not to laugh! pic.twitter.com/UmKN0RpBghRetweeted by Rug HugableyView photo
"I'd penalize your wood in two strokes!" ... I said, as we laughed about how lame golf is.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
We get it, Christians! You love Jesus. I love Scooby Doo... But I don't mention him in every conversation I have with other human people.Retweeted by Rug HugableyExpand
Labels: #ftwot, #gaf, #gsoav, #jsntf, #tbot, tweets, twitter
posted by Taranonymous Reads Not the Book of Tweet @ 9:04 PM